Frequently Asked Question's

Please find below a list of our most frequently asked questions:

This will vary between individuals depending on your personal goals. We will be able to suggest a timescale during your initial contact. One session may be enough to get you started towards your goals. In other cases where your needs are greater, a few sessions may be more beneficial.

We are based in Northampton and travel across the Northamptonshire county*.

*(An additional £15 charge will be applied to each home appointment over 12 miles radius from NN2). 

We currently accept cash, cheques or bank transfer on the day your assessment/treatment takes place.

We follow a strict policy for missed appointments. Cancellations are free as long as notice is given more than 24 hours prior to your appointment time. Cancellations with less than 24 hours are charged at full price.

For more information on the conditions we treat and the services we offer, or to book an appointment please call 07853982668 or email Paul at [email protected].